Yet another WoH monk build
Profession: Monk/Anything
Name: Yet another WoH monk
Type: PvE
Category: Healing
Divine Favour: 12+2
Protection: 3
Smiting: Unnecessary
Healing: 12+1+3
Skills Set:
1Word of Healing:5E 3/4 4R : Elite Spell. Heal target other ally for 16...67 points. Heal for an additional 15...83 points if that ally is below 50% health.
2Orison of Healing:5E 1 2R : Spell. Heal target ally for 20...60 points.
3Healing Whisper:5E 1 1R :Spell. Target other ally is healed for 40...88 Health. This spell has half the normal range.
4Jamei's Gaze:10E 3/4 3R: Spell. Heal target other ally for 35...151 health.
5Signet of Rejuvenation:1 8R: Signet. Heal target ally for 5...49. If target ally is casting a spell or attacking, that ally is healed for an additional 15...63 Health.
6Mend Ailment:5E 3/4 5R: Spell. Remove one Condition (Poison, Disease, Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, or Deep Wound) from target ally. For each remaining Condition, that ally is healed for 5...57 health.
7Healing Breeze:10E 1 2R: Enchantment Spell. For 10 seconds, target ally gains health regeneration of 3...8.
8Resurrection Chant:10E 8:Spell. Resurrect target party member with up to your current health and 5...29% Energy. This spell has half the normal range.
Armor: Any Ascetic's Armor
Weapon: A Insitefull Healing Staff Of Fortitude 20/20 on healing
Summary: Well this is my first guide. First of all youre going to get a +45 bonus on all heals due to divine favor. So youre heals are going to look a little like this after all the math. (all math is figured after divine favor bonus)
1 Over 50% health 129 / Under 50% health 235
2 118
3 149
4 235
5 Doing nothing 109 / Useing spell or attacking 188
6 ---
7 +9 health regen
8 37% energy
Ok so youre healing for a lot for very little energy in bad fights you might get as low as 20 energy eliminateing the need for energy management skills.
Now for the use: you shouls spam 1-3 as needed dont over heal, rember the only health point that matters is the last one if some one is at 95% health dont worry about them.
4 should only be used as a back up if WoH is rechargeing
5 is good for Tanks/sins and casters doing something dont waste it on someong just siting there its not worth it
6 use on all as needed
7 +9 pips of health regen is a good counter for degen
8 Use rez chant for back row only, if in the middle of a fight let the other monk worry about the front lines on rezing, or even a W/mo. This skill rocks if used at the right times in the middle of a fight this is a god send. IE:Nuker goes down you can get him back up with a bit of energy and he can be usefull agen, wanding FTL!
Happy healing!
Last edited by Prefectus; Oct 09, 2006 at 11:37 AM // 11:37..